S. C. 1954


Standard Nine was a class mixed in composition.  It was ten years ago that the first of our number came to Mount Hermon, while others represent nine, seven, five, three and one years respectively.  Most of us have known each other for many joyful years.  Even those who came more recently have, however, felt that we comprised a real unit and truly belonged to the school.

Brang – “Papa” – father of the class, joined the school in 1950, hailing from his Kachin Hills of Burma.  He is the Samson who has held the class together.  We are sure he will develop a good bedside manner as a successful physician later on in his home country.

Our tailor is next on the list; his ambition, however, is to be a military man.  He has always been the food provided, and for these festivities we have had we honour him most.  To us he is known as “Jacques.”

Although mechanics classes are not his specialty, high ambitions will always remind us of Shyam, who dreams of being a sky pilot.  His particular blend of personality will not be easily forgotten.  Not only the “wave-lengths” but also the “frequency” of his hair-dos are terrific.

Ruth – lucky girl – is the only thorn among the six roses.  “Mummy long legs” has brought home the Governor's Medal from the District Sports for two years now, and she has undoubtedly dominated the feminine field of sport in Mount Hermon for years. Her two-fold ambition calls her to be an athlete as well as an artist.

Life would be dull in Standard Nine without him, for the "curry" has always come from "Khare". His methods of success in sports have been questioned by some, but when one is so little, you must make allowances. We will miss a popular companion, as he prepares for an engineering career.

There are indeed some strange people come from Ranchi-and so our German (Lithuanian, he tells us!) friend finds the dark room more of a home than the hostel. Some day we expect to hear of him building roads and bridges-who knows, per­haps again in India ? In the verna­cular he is "Schwartz" - but Hans to you.

Abu is the class baby, and his favourite haven is bed. Not even cold water can get him to breakfast on time, let alone morning study. We hope when he is a doctor, his early morning patients won't die before they get attention !

So there we are, Standard Nine - a mixed bunch. As we have been warm friends in school, so we hope we shall be through life.




Back Row  (L to R): Shyam Bahadur, Hans Klimkeit, Ruth Isaacs, Jagdish Agarwal, Brang Seng.
Front Row: Abu Rauff, Mr. Jones (Class Teacher), Subhash Khare.


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